Czy ta osoba mogłaby kogokolwiek zabić? – ponownie zadajemy to pytanie – w przeddzień 2 rocznicy haniebnego wyroku


Z więzienia Marta czyta bajkę dzieciom swojej siostry.

Tłumaczenie filmu na język angielski dokonane przez siostrzenicę Marty.

Hello my dear friends. Today I will tell you a story about Ugly Duckling.

One day Duck Mother laid a few eggs in her nest by the river. Six yellow ducklings with orange beaks. Suddenly, Duck Mother noticed an egg, that had untouched shell. „Thats wierd. I remember six eggs, but now I see seven.”- she said.

This is the duck’s nest and the other egg that was different from the others.

Finally, the shell broke and another duckling had been born. But it looked different from it’s siblings: it was much bigger and had different colour. The other ducklings really didn’t like him. „You are not as small and pretty as we are!” – they shouted „You are big and clumsy and very ugly. We will cal you an ugly Duckling.”

This is how the duckling looked.

The ducklings luckily got bored from bullying their brother and started to ignore him. The Ugly Duckling was very sad, and often looked at swans and dreamd of being that beautiful and big as they were.

These are beautiful swans.

Loneliness made ugly Duckling go for a journy far away from home. One day some lady catched him and thought it was an ugly hen. She wanted him to lay eggs. Unfortunately the ugly duckling couldn’t lay eggs, so the woman got very angry.

This is the woman who trapped the duckling and waited for the eggs.

Luckily, one day the woman forgot to close the cage and the Ugly Duckling escaped. He continued his journey and looked for some friends, but nobody was kind to him. The winter came and Ugly Duckling was lonely and freezing. One day the frost trapped him on the lake. His legs and wings were surrounded by ice and only the walking by farmer could save him from death.

This is how he saved him- he puy a stick in the ice and broke it.

This good man took in the Ugly Duckling and stopped him from freezing. His children loved to play with their new friend. Unfortunately, the duckling was so big, he was very messy when he was playing with children. „That’s enough! Go away and never come back!” – yelled the farmer’s wife. She had enough of destruction. The duckling was very sad and cried, because he had to go. He was alone again. Spring came and the Ugly Duckling returned home, to the river he was born by. The water was very calm so he could clearly see his reflection. He couldn’t beleve his own eyes! „ I am a swan! I was never a duckling.”- he shouted with amazement.

And this is how he looks now. He is beautiful and white.

The Ugly Duckling Has grown to a beautiful swan with snowwhite feathers, long neck and huge, strong wings. Everyone admired his beauty, but he was the happiest when swans appeared on the lake. „Swim with us! You will never be alone again.”

Everything edned happily and the duckling was a beautiful swan. So in our lives everything can changle for the better too. Be good, love youselves and I love you too.

4 thoughts on “Czy ta osoba mogłaby kogokolwiek zabić? – ponownie zadajemy to pytanie – w przeddzień 2 rocznicy haniebnego wyroku

  1. Bardzo poruszyla mnie sprawa Marty. Bardzo jej wspolczuje. Jednoczesnie jest wiele niejasnosci wokol tego co sie wydarzylo. Dlaczego Wiktor w ogole odwozil Marte jej samochodem, dlaczego Marta sama nie prowadzila samochodu? Czy byla pod wplywem alkoholou? Dlaczego Marta mowi, ze nie spotykali sie poza praca, a jest filmik z Csaby urodzin i Marta jet u niego w domu? Wyrok jest zdecydowanie za surowy. Pozdrawiam serdecznie. Zycze powodzenia w walce o sprawiedliwy wyrok/bardziej adekwatny do czynu.

    • Krótkie odpowiedzi na szybko:
      Marta będąc u Victora wypiła jedną czy dwie lampki wina.
      Na wszelki wypadek, nie chciała jechać za kierownicą.
      Victor z kolei wypił wcześniej, i nie było to wino, tylko mocniejsze trunki.
      Victor odwiózł Martę, ale nie chciał ryzykować z powrotem. Od Marty wracał na piechotę.
      W Irlandii dopuszczalny jest pewien poziom alkoholu we krwi.
      Marcie nie przeprowadzono żadnych badań.
      Gdyby przeprowadzono jakiekolwiek badania i gdyby cokolwiek wyszło, działałoby to tylko na korzyść Marty:
      osobie „pod wpływem” nie można postawić zarzutu „morderstwa z premedytacją”.

    • Na filmie słychać, że Marta nie wiedziała o urodzinach Csaby. Csaba nie przyszedł do pracy.
      Zobaczył Martę, jak gdzieś przechodziła i ją zaprosił.
      Marta poinformowała go, że będzie miał kłopoty w pracy.
      Głupio było jej odmówić na zaproszenie.
      Wstąpiła, nie miała żadnego prezentu.
      W filmie padają słowa do Marty „Ty jesteś prezentem”.
      Tyle wiemy. Jeżeli te wyjaśnienia są niewystarczające to jeszcze dopytamy Martę.

  2. Dziekuje za odpowiedz. Trzymam kciuki za Wasze dzialania. Czesto to zagladam. Super, ze Marta sie uczy, niech sie uczy jak najwiecej, rozwija i zdobywa nowe umiejetnosci. Zycze wytrwalosci i pozdrawiam.

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